Attracting wildlife is one of the many perks of growing a garden. There are certain plants and other items you can add to your garden to attract wildlife. Read on about how it’s easy to attract wildlife to your small garden in this collaborative post.
Not everyone is averse to having birds and insects in their garden. In fact, for some people the more the better. Often, grass is left to grow longer and weeds to grow more freely in one particular patch to encourage wildlife, but how can you help them if you only have a small garden?
Birds First
We will look at attracting birds first of all because they are probably the easiest to deal with. Many people will put food out for them and they are resourceful little beings that do not very often go hungry.
What is more likely to be a problem for them is finding water to drink. A small bird table from that you can refresh the water in every day will solve the problem, letting them drink and have a bath if they want.
Place it a little way away from your home so as not to frighten them. You will get many hours of pleasure watching them splashing about in the water.
If you like the idea of them nesting in your garden, invest in a bird box. These give them somewhere to rest and to make a nest if they feel the need. They come in various sorts the main difference being the openings.
If you want to encourage smaller birds you buy one with a smaller opening. Make sure to hang it quite high so it is safe from predators, and turn the opening away from the normal direction of wind and rain.
It may come as a surprise to a lot of people, but butterflies love anything sweet. A bowl with a shallow mix of sugar water is ideal for them, as are pieces of soft fruit or ripe oranges. As one of nature’s pollinators, it is good to encourage them into your garden and some of them are so beautiful they really are a sight to behold.
The main thing to watch for is when they are caterpillars, as some of them are so tiny they are easily not seen and get trodden on.
Bees and Other Insects
Unlike honeybees, there are bees known as solitary bees that do not live in colonies and very rarely sting. They lay their eggs in holes made in trees by other insects. You can easily recreate that for them in your small garden.
Using a push lawn mower from BestMower to keep your grass slightly longer than you otherwise might also help because there’ll be more for them to explore and pollinate and much more privacy to be had. We need bees so des[erately that this is one of the best things you can do!
There are many insects that would make their home in a log of wood that had holes drilled in it. Most of them are pollinators, which are vital for the survival of the planet. Loss of habitat has caused a decline in the numbers of pollinating insects, so anyone who encourages them into their garden is being very environmentally friendly.
You do not need to live in the countryside to enjoy wildlife, and you do not need a huge garden either. You can watch nature in your small garden and enjoy the singing of the birds, the buzzing of the bees and the flights of the butterflies as you sit back and let it all happen around you.
Attract Wildlife to Your Small Garden
I love all the hummingbirds, butterflies, and other wildlife that visit my garden, especially this time of year. How do you attract wildlife to your garden? Let me know in the comments section below!
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