For the past few weeks I have been slowly planting seeds in my garden. I have not been a huge seed starter in the past, but its never too late to try. Since springtime is upon us, I would like to talk about how to grow plants from seeds today.
When I started gardening a few years ago, I began with a combination of small plants and sets that came with packets with seeds and seed starting soil. Target has some great seed starting kits for beginners like me. They start at 1 dollar and come with seeds, seed starting soil, and a container to start the seeds in.
Like I said, I planted a bunch of seeds in the last few weeks. Two started to grow in my little urban garden. Since I have an unwelcome squirrel visitor who likes hiding his nuts in my containers, one of the seedlings didn’t make it.
I thought about why the rest have not grown yet. Being a stubborn person, I planted everything in the Miracle-Gro Potting Soil that I use to plant…everything with. I knew I probably needed to get some seed starting soil, but didn’t want to spend the money since I have plenty of the potting soil on hand.
Well, this weekend while on a date with the hubby, we swung by Home Depot and got some seed starting soil. This Sunday, I planted some seeds I have lying around.
Are you like me and more comfortable starting with small plants? Try starting with seeds. Its really rewarding to grow something from a tiny seed!
Here are a list of supplies you will need to start growing plants from seeds:
- seeds
- seed starting containers
- seed starting soil
- water
- trowel
What do you enjoy growing? I love growing flowers, so my little urban garden consists only of flowers, for now. Counting on where you live and what time of year it is, you can plant a variety of vegetables, fruits and flowers. Check your local garden supply stores to see what is in stock. There are also seed magazines and seed club programs where for a small fee, you can get seeds sent to your door every month. If I had the space I would definitely join a monthly seed club!
Would you rather start a garden with plants? Check out How to Start a Garden from Scratch.
Seed Starting Containers
These are usually made of biodegradable material. Some containers comes with seeds. I use eggshell crates since they don’t cost anything and are the perfect size to plant a variety of seeds in.
Seed Starting Soil
I would say this is a must. The few flowers I’ve grown from seeds were able to do so because of the seed soil I sowed them in. I just bought a small package of Miracle-Grow Seed Starting Potting Mix from the local Home Depot. It was only $5 and will last awhile. I’ve heard mixed reviews about using Miracle-Gro, but I haven’t had a problem with it. I like how inexpensive it is, and I haven’t had much problems growing most of my plants in the potting mix I use. If you know of another brand that is a great potting soil to use on a variety of plants and inexpensive, let me know in the comments section below.
You just need a little bit of water to start your seeds in. I have a watering can and a spray bottle. Use what you have around or purchase a watering can. They work great for small gardens.
You may or may not need a trowel, but I thought I would add one to the list of supplies anyways. Be careful not to make a mess, since you are transferring soil to a small area. Using your hands or with gloves might work better due to the small space you need.
Seed Starting Steps
Alright, here are the simple steps to grow plants from seeds! Of course, have all the supplies you need on hand. Find a space big enough for all your supplies and to place your container once everything is set up. I’m using the table on our porch since that is the largest space on our balcony. Once we move to a large place, I would love to get a potting table.
Poke holes in each section of the egg crate or container you are using to place the seeds in. Water needs to be able to drain out of the container. You don’t want to drown your seeds in water, so this step is important.
Get your trowel or hands, and fill up those sections with plenty of seed starting soil. Place a few seeds on top and press them gently into the soil. Add some water to the soil and seeds. Cover the container and your seeds are ready to start growing!
How to Grow Plants from Seeds
How has your seed starting experience been so far? Is there anything you would add to this? Let me know in the comments section below!
Happy gardening!
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Linky parties this post is a part of:
Sophie says
Hello Ann!
What a lovely post for the #dreamteam linky! It’s great to see a variety of posts. I love that you have used egg boxes here too. These can then be torn off and treated as plug plants. I plant them straight into the ground allowing the egg box to rot around the plant. I’m busy planting seeds at the moment but it’s still very cold here in the U.K. and my greenhouse is unheated. Hopefully next week will be better. Thank you for linking to #dreamteam. Do come back next week. X
Ann says
Thank you! I didn’t realize I could plant the seedlings straight in the ground in the egg crates. I think that would work if I cut them in two to fit in my containers. One seed that I recently sowed in the potting soil is popping up as a seedling from the dirt, which makes me really happy. Hopefully the pesky squirrel won’t see it :(. I hope it warms up there soon. I would give you some of our weather here if I could. I’m looking forward to next week’s linky. Stay warm!
Martina says
You’ve inspired me! The kids will LOVE LOVE LOVE planting the seeds and watching them grow. And I’ll love that you can pop them into the ground in their disposable egg trays. Thanks so much! #dreamteamlinky
Ann says
That is great! Its so easy and inexpensive, and kids will love to watch the little seeds grow from seedlings to plants. I know that garden stores sell seed starting pods, but why buy when I can use the egg trays for free? Thanks for stopping by!
Green Fingered Blogger says
I sow a lot in toilet roll tubes now, to reduce the amount of plastic I use. The toilet roll tubes can also be planted straight in the ground to gradually decompose. I always used to buy special seed compost but am trialling using my home made garden compost instead, after sieving it to make sure it is nice and fine. Seems to be working well so far! #MyGloriousGardens
Ann says
I haven’t thought of toilet roll tubes, but that is a great option as well. I’ve seen those seed starters, but would rather try it for free first. That is great that the toilet roll tubes are working. Thanks for the idea!
Louisa says
Great advice thank you. I will definitely use egg cartons in future, what a good idea. Good luck with your seedlings! #mygloriousgarden
Ann says
You are welcome! I love the egg cartons! I keep collecting them, just in case some seeds don’t grow. I’ve seen some more sprout up, which is exciting. Thanks for stopping by!
Sophie says
This is my blog crush post Ann over at Lucy at home.
Also thank you for joining my garden linky -#MyGloriousGardens. Look out for my round up post coming soon. Thanks again. Xx
Ann says
Ah, thank you for posting my article on the blog crush! I feel so special! This is the first time I’ve heard of those. You are welcome! I’m looking forward to the round up and next month’s linky!
Sophie says
Popping back to say thanks for linking to #MyGloriousGardens this month, Ann. I will post a round up post soon. Hope to see you in early May. X
Ann says
Hi! I’m looking forward to the round up and next link party. Thanks for stopping by!