Achieving a fanbase for your blog can be quite an endeavor. Acquiring followers is definitely doable if you are willing to put in the work. Today I want to talk to you about how to get 10000 followers.
To be specific, I am going to talk about gaining followers on social media. Why 10,000? I know this number is key to using certain features on Instagram.
I also joined a 10000 followers challenge early on that helped boost my following count on all social media platforms.
Plus, 10,000 is a nice round number to work towards.

BUT, achieving that many followers on one social media platform can be frustrating, which is why I’m not focusing on one platform today. Each social media platform is beneficial to use in its own way.
This is something of a controversial topic in the blogging world, but I first want to talk about the benefits of having a following on social media.
Why Have Social Media?
There are plenty of great reasons to have a fanbase on social media. You can make friends with followers and other bloggers, and even make some money by growing followers on your social media accounts. Check out some of the reasons below!
Get Personal with Your Followers
You can keep your followers updated on day to day things that you do. This can be how you get ready for work, behind the scenes on your blog, before and after reveals, and more. Get creative and find ways to connect with others online!
Share Daily Happenings
You can share pictures of your office space, your favorite things, inspirational quotes, and much more. The more you share with your audience, the more you will find out what they want from you based on their response.
Find Out What Your Audience Needs
Ask questions and post polls to see what your audience wants and needs. Twitter has an option where you can create a poll to share with your audience. Instagram also has this option in their stories that you can share with your audience for 24 hours.
This is great if you want insight on a new freebie, giveaway or product you want to share with your followers. You won’t know until you ask!
Drive Traffic to Your Blog
If you are reading this, you are probably thinking about starting a blog or already have a blog. Most bloggers that have social media followers want their audience to end up on their blog to read all the awesome stuff they have to say in their niche.
If you haven’t started your blog yet, now is a great time to do so! I use WordPress and am self-hosted through Siteground. Once you start your blog, focus on getting those email subscribers!
If you have something you are trying to sell on your blog, then you definitely want to build an audience of over 10000 followers to convert traffic over to your blog.
Affiliate Marketing
Did you know you can make money by gaining over thousands followers on social media? You can do this by sharing direct links to digital products, or link to products you are selling on your blog.
I go into detail on how to make money with affiliate marketing here. It never hurts to try to attract your social media followers to your blog where you have affiliate links set up.
How to Get More Followers
There are many ways to achieve 10000 followers on social media. While you want to approach each platform a little differently, most of the tips can be applied to many platforms.
You can read more about how to use each social media platform to benefit your blog in this post.
Set Up Your Profile Correctly
Make sure each of your social media profiles are set up correctly to attract the right audience. In general, have a professional photo of yourself or logo, use specific keywords in your description, and if you have a freebie or product to share on your blog, mention that too!
Feel free to check out my profiles on social media and those in your niche to see how to set them up for success.
Focus on One Platform at a Time
I know most bloggers have several social media platforms, but its best to focus on one at a time. I made this mistake when I first started blogging and joined as many as I could. I couldn’t get anything done and felt overwhelmed by trying to be everywhere at the same time!
I spend most of my time on Pinterest nowadays, but that is where I get most of my traffic back to my blog. You can read more about how to best use Pinterest in this post.
Over time, you will know which platform works best for you. Focus on that one and become an expert on it!

Follow Others in Your Niche
This may seem obvious, but don’t just follow others in hopes to be followed back just to boost your following numbers. You want to build a following of people who are excited about what you are excited to share with them.
And don’t just follow someone because they have a huge amount of followers (and you hope some of them will follow you back). Of course, if you enjoy another blogger or leader in your niche and they happen to have a huge following, follow away!
Use Hashtags
This is super important if your main focus is Instagram. You want to research hashtags that others in your niche are using. Make sure these hashtags are popular enough to get noticed.
If you use Twitter, you can add a few hashtags that are relevant to your tweet. You can also see which hashtags are popular for the day.
On Pinterest, its a good idea to use some hashtags in the description part of your boards, as well as in the descriptions in each pin.
Find a strategy that works for you on each platform and use those hashtags to your advantage!
Join Follow Contests
When I say follow contests, I definitely don’t mean the follow/unfollow trend that is going on within Instagram and others. Following others just to turn around and unfollow them to keep your numbers up is not a way to gain 10,000 followers.
What I mean is joining contests where you follow other bloggers and like minded people to support each other during your blogging journey.
As I’ve mentioned in my Bloggers to Follow in 2020 post, I gained many social media followers when I first started blogging by joining a following contest that the Reece family of It’s a Lovely Life put on several years ago.
You can join blogging groups on Facebook that focus on following each other to support other bloggers.
There are also many opportunities on Instagram to join follow contests. Some of these are paid and some are unpaid. Below is more information about paid contests.
Join Giveaways
I was against these until the end of last year because most require you to pay to join them. I broke down and joined a few giveaways on Instagram to see what all the fuss was about.
I received several hundred new followers overnight on one giveaway, so I would definitely say that this is a great way to gain followers on Instagram!
I did pay to join the giveaways. To be a “ghost” (where you don’t have to follow back) on a giveaway, you had to pay a little more.
If you try giveaways on Instagram, I recommend participating in ones that fit your niche. A few of the ones I did were for home decor and others.
Include Links in Your Newsletter
Another great way to attract followers to your social media accounts is to include links in your newsletter. Your best followers are the ones on your email list, so make sure they know where to find you on social media by including links somewhere in your newsletter where they can find them.
Share Useful Information
Share useful facts to your audience that has to do with your niche. If you stumble upon a cool blog post that you think they would appreciate, share that too!
I am constantly sharing and repinning pins on Pinterest that have to do with flowers, gardening, blogging, and social media. On Twitter, I love retweeting beautiful pictures of plants and flowers, inspirational quotes, and blog tips that other bloggers post.
Collaborate with Other Bloggers
Don’t be afraid to reach out to other bloggers to see if you can join forces to help each other grow your social media following. You can share each other’s blog posts on social media, as well as other interesting tidbits of information you think their followers will find interesting.
Don’t just post something and leave. Engage with your audience! Even if you have a small following, get to know them. Make comments on other posts and more to keep your audience growing and coming back for more.
Ask and Answer Questions
Ask your audience pertinent questions that have to do with your niche. Reach out to followers and. comment on their pictures and posts. And if someone comments or asks a question, answer them back!
Get Them Excited About Products
If you have products or are planning on making and selling products, make sure to tell your followers about them. I have information about my freebie when you join my email list on the description part of all my social media platforms.

Share Blog Posts
Sharing blog posts on social media is a great way to attract a following. You can become a credible source in your niche, which will cause more people to follow you so they can keep up with your latest posts.
Cross Post to Other Platforms
This can be time consuming, but many platforms have an option where you can share on other sites as soon as you hit the share button.
When I publish a new blog post, the post also gets shared on my Facebook page. When I post a new image on Instagram, it also posts to my Twitter page.
I try to post on all my social media platforms when I have a new blog post to share. You never know who you will attract to your blog this way!
Keep Track of Followers
You want to keep track of your followers so you know what they want to see. Most platforms have their own analytics you can check on from time to time.
The best one of these is Google Analytics. I have an entire post on how to best use Google Analytics if you are a beginner. Use this tool to your advantage to attract the right audience to your social media platforms and blog!
Be Consistent
Something else to consider when trying to grow your social media following is to be consistent. This can be hard when you probably have so much going on.
Set aside a specific time to be on each platform. I also recommend being on only a few platforms when first starting out so that you aren’t stretched too thin.
Although I feature my blog on several social media platforms, I am only focused on Pinterest and Twitter right now due to time constraints.
You know your schedule and limits best, so do what works best for you and your blog.
Convert to Blog Traffic
This isn’t how to gain followers, but something to keep in mind as you gain more followers on social media. You want to share quality posts to get your followers on your blog.
Another great reason to gain followers on social media is to get traffic back to your website or blog. To do so, follow all the steps above to get followers on social media interested enough in what you have to say to get them over to your site.
If you are planning on making money blogging, use the tips above to attract the right audience back to your blog.
Here are more Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog!
How to Get 10000 Followers
These are just some of the ways to grow 10000 followers on social media and more. How are you growing your fanbase on social media? Let me know in the comments section below!
Joan Senio says
This post was very helpful and reminded me of some of my intentions about using other social media to drive traffic to my blog. Thanks very much for sharing!
Ann says
You are welcome! I hope you find some of the tips helpful. Thanks for stopping by!
Beth Gray says
great reminder – “where attention goes, energy flows”. And by focusing on one platform at a time we get more engagement
Ann says
Exactly! Very great point!
L - Franglais27 says
Very helpful! I am certainly trying to increase my followers base and send more traffic to my blog. At the moment, I engage in Twitter chats, read other bloggers posts. I am not on Facebook but have heard that the Facebook groups are quite good for increasing followers and so I might join that platform too!
Ann says
You should! You never know, Facebook may be the social media platform for you. The beauty of social media is that one platform may work better than the other.